March 24, 2011

HelioHost Hosting

Interests: Personal, Business.
Free Web Space: 250 MB.
Forced Ads: No ads (bannerless).
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP, Browser, SiteCopy.
Editor: Basic.
Scripting: CGI, PHP, ASP.NET, SSI, FrontPage Extensions, Perl, Python, Ruby.
Pre-Scripts: Script collection.
Your URL: Top-level domain name, or Subdomain.

Other Features:

Bandwidth limit 2500 MB/month.
Cpanel, Fantastico.
Unlimited addon domains.
POP3 Email, Spam Assassin.
Statistics, raw logs.
Cronjobs allowed.
Unlimited MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
Custom error pages.
SSL secure server.
Same as
Ruby on Rails.
Django (a Python Web framework).
ASP.NET 3.5 with VB.NET support is enabled again.
libgdiplus support.
MySQL Connector/NET (for PostgreSQL connections) with a DbProviderFactory hook.
Npgsql (for PostgreSQL connections) with a DbProviderFactory hook.
Uploading with WebDAV.
Offers dedicated IPs for custom SSL certificate installation.
They are only accepting 200 sign-ups per day.

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